Our core values
DoMyEssay is here to help every student shine and reach academic excellence! To meet these goals, our team has a strongly defined set of values that shape our culture. The core values of our team are:
Our features
Low prices & full refund
Hey, we know students are not made of money, and that's ok. That's why we offer a student-friendly pricing structure, and operate a full refund policy in the unlikely case you're ever not 110% not satisfied with our work.
Friendly customer support
If you have a question or need help with your paper ASAP, the DoMyEssay customer support team has you covered! Our managers are ready to address all your queries 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All you need to do is to start a conversation via a live chat.
Top quality work
We only offer the best quality writing, because that's what we'd like to receive ourselves. Every task will be done to the highest possible standard by academic writers who really know their stuff.
Guaranteed anonymity
The safety and integrity of your data are of crucial importance to us. We don't want anyone snooping around, and neither do you, hence all your do my paper for me requests are confidential.
Only original papers
Originality is an invaluable asset, and when it comes to academic papers, it becomes a must. Every paper we produce is checked and double checked for plagiarism before it reaches you.
Timely delivery
We understand deadlines, and we also understand that lecturers and professors sometimes just cannot wait. We'll have your academic paper ready on time, and always by the deadline you specify.