How to Write an Article Review: Learn the Easy Tricks

article review

For some assignments, you might need to review or critique a journal article. This is where you share your thoughts and judgments about another researcher's work. You'll do more than just summarize; you'll dive deep into the article, looking at its argument and how it's put together. If you're in college, this might seem tough at first. But don't worry! In this guide, we'll show you step-by-step how to write a great article review. You'll learn how to grab your readers' attention and show off your ability to think critically.

What Is an Article Review?

Writing an article review means you're taking a deep dive into someone else's research paper. Your job is to break it down and see what's really going on – how they did their research, what they found, and how they presented their findings. You're aiming to give a fair look at what's good and what's not so good about it.

If you're tackling a science article, you'll need to dig up some background research to really understand and explain what the article's about. Your main task is to lay everything out clearly for your readers, giving them a straightforward summary of the topic.

When you're writing, you'll be doing a bunch of things: summarizing the article, sorting it into categories, analyzing the details, offering critiques, and comparing it to other work in the field. Digging into the theories, ideas, and research that are important for the article's subject is key to a good analysis, evaluation, and comparison.

Remember, your review isn't about bringing in new ideas but about responding to someone else's work. You're joining a conversation about the article's topic, where you get to share your perspective based on what's already been said.

3 Main Types of Article Review

Before we jump into how to craft an article review, let's get clear on the different flavors of reviews you might come across. Some may focus on science, while others might center on a law article review. Whatever your assignment entails, let's establish this as the groundwork for your review-writing process and check out these key types:

Journal Article Review

A journal article review allows you to give your thoughts and opinions about an article published in a scientific journal. When scientists do research, they write up their findings and submit them to journals. Other scientists then read these articles to learn about the research.

In a journal article review, you read the article carefully and talk about what you liked or didn't like, whether you think the research was done well, and whether the conclusions are supported by the evidence. It's a bit like giving a report card to the article, saying what parts are strong and what parts could be improved.

Research Article Review

Now, a research article review is similar to a journal article review, but it focuses specifically on studies or experiments that scientists have conducted. These articles often follow a specific format, including an introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections.

When you review a research article, you're looking at how the study was set up, what methods the scientists used, what they found, and what it all means. It's like taking a magnifying glass to the research process and seeing if it holds up under scrutiny.

Science Article Review

Lastly, a science article review covers a broader range of topics than just research studies. Science articles can be found in magazines, newspapers, or online, and they often talk about recent discoveries or trends in science. These articles are usually written for a general audience, so they might not go into as much detail as research articles.

When you review a science article, you're looking at how well it explains the science behind the topic, whether it's accurate and up-to-date, and if it's easy for readers to understand. It's like being a science detective, making sure the article gets the facts right and makes sense to everyone.

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Article Review Format

When it comes to reviewing articles, it's important to follow the right format. Your professor might have specific rules about how they want the review to look. If you're unsure whether it's APA or Chicago, don't hesitate to ask which road to take.

Here are some things to consider:

  • Citation Style: Your professor might want you to use a particular citation style, like MLA, APA, ASA, or Chicago. Each style has its own rules for how to format citations and references.
  • Number of Publications: Depending on your assignment, your professor might ask you to review one article or several.
  • Length of the Review: Your professor might specify how long they want your review to be.  
  • Content: Your review might need to include a summary of the article, your critique or opinion, or both. You might also need to focus on a specific theme or idea from the articles.
  • Background Information: Sometimes, your instructor might want you to provide background information to help readers understand the articles better. It's like giving someone the backstory before you start telling them a story.

APA Format

APA format is a set of guidelines for writing article reviews, especially in subjects like social sciences and psychology. It's designed to make sure your review is clear and consistent.

Here's how to cite your sources in APA format:

  • Web: Author's last name, First and Middle initial. (Year, Month, Date of Publication). Title. Retrieved from {link}.
  • Journal: Author's last name, First and Middle initial. (Publication Year). Publication Title. Periodical Title, Volume(Issue), pp.-pp.
  • Newspaper: Author's last name, First and Middle initial. (Year, Month, Date of Publication). Publication Title. Magazine Title, pp. xx-xx.

Following these formats helps your readers find the articles you're talking about and shows that you've done your research properly.

MLA Format

MLA format is commonly used in humanities and literature for article reviews. It has its own set of rules for citing sources, including in-text citations and a works cited page.

Here's how to cite sources in MLA format:

  • Web: Last name, First name, Middle Initial. “Publication Title.” Website Title. Website Publisher, Date Month Year Published. Web. Date Month Year Accessed.
  • Newspaper: Last name, First M. “Publication Title.” Newspaper Title [City] Date, Month, Year Published: Page(s). Print.
  • Journal: Last name, First M. “Publication Title.” Journal Title Series Volume. Issue (Year Published): Page(s). Database Name. Web. Date Month Year Accessed.

By using MLA format, you make sure your review follows the right structure and gives credit to the original authors.

Article Review Outline

When you're getting ready to write your article review, it helps to organize your thoughts first. But if you're still unsure where you're going with your critical review, then it's better to ask us - write my article review for me. Meanwhile, here's how you can outline your paper:

  1. Pre-Title Page: Before you start your review, include some basic information like the type of article, the title of the publication, and the names of the authors, along with their affiliations (like their job title, department, institution, location, and email). If needed, include info about the corresponding author, too.
  2. Running Head: If you're using APA format, have a short title (less than 40 characters) at the top of each page to keep things organized.
  3. Summary Page: This part is optional, but it can be helpful. Write a summary of the article in about 800 words. Cover the background, purpose, results, and methodology, but don't copy directly from the article.
  4. Title Page: On this page, include the full title of your review, a 250-word abstract (which is a short summary of your review), and 4-6 keywords to help others find your review if they're searching for similar topics.
  5. Introduction: Start your review with an introduction that gives readers an idea of what the article is about. Here, you want to get people interested in what's coming next.
  6. Body: This is where you'll organize your analysis of the article. Use headings and subheadings to break it down into smaller sections.
  7. Works Cited/References: Make sure to properly cite all the sources you used in your review, much like giving credit to the people who helped you along the way.
  8. Optional Suggested Reading Page: If your professor allows it, you can include a page with suggestions for further reading. It's similar to giving your readers a roadmap for exploring the topic on their own.
  9. Tables and Figure Legends: If your professor asks for it, include any visuals like tables or figures to help explain your points more clearly.

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Writing an Article Review in 7 Steps

Now that we've got the basics of article reviews down, it's time to learn how to write one yourself. Don't worry, it's simpler than you might think, and we'll guide you through each step.

Writing an Article Review

Step 1: Name Your Work

Naming your article review might seem straightforward, but it's a crucial step that shouldn't be overlooked. Choose a title that is both captivating and informative. Your title should provide a glimpse into the essence of your review, enticing readers to delve deeper.

Aim for clarity and relevance, ensuring that your title accurately reflects the content and sparks interest. Remember, your title is the first thing readers will see, so make it count.

Step 2: Reference the Original Piece

In this step, you must ensure you don't skip a beat. It's vital to refer back to the original article you're critiquing when writing your review. Include important details like:

  • article's title
  • authors' names
  • Journal or publication it was published in
  • publication date

By providing this information, you acknowledge the original authors and enable readers to find the article easily if they wish to read it themselves.

Step 3: Begin with an Opening

Every good article review starts with a strong opening. So, you want to grab your readers' attention and set the tone for your review. You can start with a thought-provoking question, an interesting fact, or a brief anecdote related to the topic of the article. The opening should be concise yet engaging, drawing readers in and making them eager to continue reading.

Step 4: Give a Brief Overview

After opening the door to your review and inviting readers to step inside, give them a sneak peek of what's to come. Summarize the main points or key arguments presented in the article, giving readers a general idea of its content.

Be sure to include any important background information that is necessary for understanding the article. This overview serves as a roadmap for your review article, giving readers context for the analysis that follows.  

Step 5: Evaluate the Work

Now, let's get to the core of your article review: the evaluation. Here's where you assess what the article does well and where it falls short. So, don't be afraid to put the article under a microscope to really see its true quality.

Look at things like how clear the writing is, how valid the research seems, how convincing the arguments are, and how relevant the topic is. Back up your evaluation with proof, like quotes from the article or references to other sources. Be straightforward and fair in your judgment, pointing out both the strengths and weaknesses.

Step 6: Analyze the Methodology

In this step, dig into how the author(s) went about their research or writing. Ask yourself: Did they use the right methods? Think about things like how many people or cases were involved (sample size), how they gathered information (data collection), and if they set up experiments (experimental design).

Also, keep an eye out for any possible biases. By analyzing the methodology, you get a better sense of how trustworthy the article's findings are. This step helps you see how much the article adds to what we know in the field.

Step 7: Wrap It Up

As you conclude your review paper, it's crucial to tie up loose ends effectively. Summarize the key points you've discussed, reaffirm your overall assessment of the article, and provide any last reflections or suggestions. Consider proposing avenues for future research or delving into the wider implications of the article's discoveries.

Your conclusion should leave readers with a firm grasp of your viewpoint and the article's importance. Remember to take steps for avoiding plagiarism and guarantee the originality of your work as you bring everything together and provide closure.

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