The Legend author Marie Lu is not what you would call “old guard”. And yet her works have made quite an impact on modern literature. She has written several hits like Legend and The Young Elites. She is masterfully playing around with the dystopian genre and gives it a new spin that revives the slightly forgotten interest of the reader community.
Marie Lu Biography
As already mentioned, Marie Lu was born in China in 1984. The name she was given at birth was Xiwei, although it is fairly common for the Chinese people to adopt a "western" name, especially when they move to western countries. Marie Lu's bio history is pretty short but eventful at the same time. She moved to the United States of America at the age of 5 along with her parents in the wake of the Tiananmen protests. And her entire life and career were built there from then on.
The first Marie Lu book that was actually published was Legend. It saw the light in 2011 and became an immediate success. It is worth noting that before she managed to get her green light, she was writing diligently for over 12 years. Definitely, something to get inspired by when you are thinking of searching up 'write my essay' to skip on your college assignment.
Marie Lu Works
Not all Marie Lu's books are as famous as her first one. But they are definitely worth taking a look at if you liked Legend. Her new series, The Young Elites, drop the dystopian theme, but the author’s style is still there.
On the other hand, even if you took up Legend just for the dystopian feel - it’s going to be more than enough to satisfy your craving. Slap an upcoming transition to a movie or, even better, to TV series, and you’ve got yourself a great way to make yourself busy for at least a couple of weeks.
Legend by Marie Lu
The prodigy Marie Lu got her recognition specifically because of her first book Legend. You’ve got the whole nine yards in this story. Charismatic protagonists on the different sides of the barricades that band together in an unlikely alliance, atmospheric dystopian megapolis, thrilling plotline, and even some romance mixed in.
Keep in mind that Legend Marie Lu wrote the first book that gave her the glory but not the first book she has written. It’s a result of many years of meticulous practice that culminated in success.
The Young Elites series
From the dystopian streets of Los Angeles, the Young Elites series takes us straight to the basics of the fantasy genre. A mysterious illness that killed thousands and left the survivors deformed. Strange powers sometimes manifest themselves within those who defy the ailment. The inquisition hunts down those in possession of such powers in fear of how they might use them.
It might look like there’s absolutely nothing in common between the Young Elites and Legend for fans of the latter to find in the former. However, the dark overtones and the typical Marie Lu writing style perseveres through the book covers. You’ll definitely find something to hold on to if you choose to pick up this one.
The Warcross series
But if fantasy is just not your cup of tea and you long for that sweet dystopian feel - don’t you worry. The Warcross Marie Lu series has got you covered on that end. Global game, a hacker that found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time, a mysterious benefactor, and a game with a hidden purpose.
Although some consider these series a wildcard, Marie Lu's style is distinctly felt in every single word. It falls very much in line with her other works and is definitely a pleasure to read regardless of your feelings towards sci-fi or young adult novels.
FAQ About Marie Lu
Writing advice from Marie Lu
As the Legend author, Marie Lu has plenty of useful advice for aspiring writers that want to one day see their works on the shelves of book shops. The first thing writers should remember is that only those who do not try do not fail. Keep going even if you think you’re not good enough. That’s temporary.
That takes us to the next point - constantly work on your writing skills. Of course, you shouldn’t stick to an academic format only. But it’s a great start.
And lastly, read as much as you can. There’s nothing wrong with drawing inspiration from the works you like. Adapt it and make it yours. Reading the works of others will help you figure out what works and what doesn’t without having to waste valuable time trying it out yourself.
What is the big screen future of “Legend”?
For now, it’s all very much in the works. Not quite as solid as fans would like it to be. But definitely getting there. The Legend book would make a pretty interesting movie, given it’s handled by the right people. CBS Films seem to have the same opinion as they currently hold the rights to it. Whether or not something interesting will come of this - time will tell.
Who is the literary agent of Marie Lu?
Along with many big-shot writers, Marie Lu is represented by Kristin Nelson of the Nelson Literary Agency. They have been working closely ever since the Legend book. And this partnership couldn’t have been more productive for either of them. Marie Lu has nothing but good things to say about her agent’s work. And it seems to be well-deserved.
This shouldn’t come as a surprise, considering that Nelson Literary Agency has loads and loads of experience dealing with writers and their problems. After so many years, they ought to be the best in the business or at least very close to it.
What are Marie Lu's favorite books?
Just as any successful writer Marie Lu likes to read a lot. She has a list of favorite books that constantly expands and changes. And the reflections and tidbits of the works she read can sometimes be seen in her own writing. Here are some of the best recent reads Marie Lu recommends:
- The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
- Gallagher Girls by Ally Carter
- Where She Went by Gale Forman
- Watership Down by Richard Adams
- Unwind by Neil Shusterman
- Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard
- Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
- Redwall series by Brian Jacques
If you want to get some insight into what Marie Lu considers good writing - you can start with these ones. But eventually, you will have to work on your own list. And don’t worry if it doesn’t correspond with the ones you see great authors reading. To each their own.
When did Marie Lu start writing?
Marie Lu has always had a passion for writing. She remembers trying her pen as young as 4-5 years old. Most children have slightly different hobbies. But in this case, her interests got set in stone pretty early. And since practice is one of the most important aspects of every craft - you’ll have to commit to writing just as much to be able to hone your skills just as she did.
Finding the time for your passion can sometimes be a bit problematic though. If you are swarmed with academic tasks but still want to find an hour or two for fiction - you can always google for “write essay for me” services. Prioritizing and outsourcing will help you focus on important things in your life.
How did Marie Lu come up with "Legend"?
The premise of the Legends trilogy has been a long time coming. One of the main characters - the criminal boy, has been “living” in Marie Lu’s books ever since she was 15. It wasn’t until 2009, when she got inspired by the dynamic between Jean Valjean and Javert from the movie Les Miserables that the character got a new rival and, by extension, a second life.
It is quite interesting to see how the combination of early works, borrowed inspiration, and pure chance resulted in a hit novel. When you are reading the Legend by Marie Lu summary, you won’t be able to spot little details like this one. Yet, they form the foundation for an entire series.
TV Series: Legend by Marie Lu
Marie Lu Legend series is currently in the pre-production stage. It was initially supposed to be a movie. But after some shuffling and reconsideration, it transitioned into a TV series format. This is probably a good thing as the Legend Marie Lu movie would probably not have nearly enough time to uncover every intricacy of the plotline of the series. On the other hand, perhaps with the longer TV show format, we’ll be able to address some of the events that weren’t even mentioned in the books.
The Legend Marie Lu movie casting can easily be used for the show as well. It’s the writing format that is the issue. The beats and pacing of a TV show are considerably different from those of a movie.
Luckily, Marie Lue has a great partner. The writer of Teen Wolf and Supergirl Lindsay Sturman will be able to share her screenwriting experience and make sure the final result is as close to perfection as possible.
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