College Student Stress Statistics: The Numbers Don’t Lie

College Student Stress Statistics

60% of students report they feel stressed every single day. One in five are stuck in a constant state of overwhelming. College stress isn’t just a phase that lasts a few months; it's a relentless epidemic. Stress among students has jumped 30% in the last three decades! And what makes these numbers even more concerning is that high school students in the US report higher stress than adults.

Considering how many deadlines, exams, and assignments academic life throws at you, it's only natural to struggle to keep up. DoMyEssay can relieve some of your stress in college with professional writing support and overall academic guidance because getting through your education shouldn't mean burning yourself out.


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How Common Is Stress Among College Students?

College is supposed to be about learning, growing, and gathering as many new experiences as possible; maybe also having a little fun while you're at it. But, unfortunately, for most young adults, stress is a much larger part of the college experience. The numbers tell us that the problem of overwhelmed students is only getting worse.

General Statistics on College Student Stress

  • Around 45% of college students say they experience “more than average stress,” while 12.7% report feeling “tremendous stress” on a regular basis.
  • A staggering 94% of students say they feel completely swamped by their coursework.
  • The number of students self-reporting mental health difficulties nearly tripled from 6% to 16% between 2016-17 and 2022-23.

Gender Differences in Stress Levels

  • Women are feeling the pressure. About 72% of female undergraduates report feeling high levels of stress on a typical day, and 56% say they worry frequently.
  • Men aren’t stress-free, either. 56% of male undergraduates also report high stress levels, though 40% deal with constant worry.

Stress Statistics by Demographic Group

Some students face even greater challenges depending on their stage in college or personal circumstances. Here’s how stress breaks down by different student groups:

Stress in college students statistics prove that anxiety isn't just "a part of the experience" but rather a real issue that affects the students' well-being.

Demographic Group Reported Stress Levels
Female Students 72% report high stress levels; 56% report frequent worry.
Male Students 56% report high stress levels; 40% report frequent worry.
First-Year Students The transition to college life leads to increased stress levels.
Graduate Students About 75% of graduate students reported being stressed or very stressed.

How Academic Pressure Impacts College Students

People love to say that college is the best time of our lives. But for many students, it feels more like an endless to-do list with no off switch. Stress quickly becomes a daily routine when you have to juggle so many deadlines and the constant pressure to perform.

exam stres on student well-being

There's definitely no shortage of assignments and papers in college, and the workload can quickly get overwhelming. In fact, that's one of the major stressors for college students. 84.4% of university students report that academic workload is one of the biggest causes of their anxieties. More than half of students, on the other hand, experience academic burnout, which makes them struggle to keep up with constant demands.

Besides assignments, college students have to deal with exam seasons that can feel like a mental marathon without a training plan. 88.4% of university students experience exam-related anxiety that comes from the fear of failure and last-minute cramming to learn all materials in a single night. Stress is also claimed to impact academic performance and self-determination in students, so it becomes even harder for them to excel when it matters most.

Financial Worries Among College Students

Money worries don’t take a break just because you’re in college. Daily expenses quickly pile up on top of rent and tuition bills, so it's no surprise that financial worries only add to the overwhelming anxiety that comes from juggling school and work.

students working part-time vs full-time while styding

A study from The Times showed that 75% of students who graduated in 2024 were financially supported by their parents. They bailed students out with approximately £16,000 over the course of their degrees! But it's not only that. About 25% of students have to pay over $1000 in credit card debt.

Financial problems are very tightly connected to the students' concerns about the future. Imagine taking out a huge student loan and still ending up thinking your college education wasn't worth it! That's how over two-thirds of American students feel. Repayment plans keep changing all the time, and navigating them is no less overwhelming than the academic workload.

What Consequences Does Stress Have on College Students

Unfortunately, college students stress doesn't just leave after finals week. It digs in and wears students out, leading to serious mental health symptoms that can stay with them long after they pay off their student loans. The numbers are truly shocking; 75% of students deal with at least some level of depression, while anxiety is even more common, with 88.4% of students saying stress keeps their emotions on edge.

We’ve all had those nights: staring at the ceiling, mind racing, knowing we need sleep but unable to shut our brains off because of the endless negative emotions. For students, this is more than an occasional struggle. Can you believe that 70% percent say they don't get enough sleep? And no, it's not just making them groggy. Sleep deprivation messes with the students' memory, focus, and overall ability to keep up with their assignments, so the already stressful workload turns into an uphill battle.

% of hospitilized students due to mental health issues

How COVID-19 Impacted Student Stress

The COVID-10 pandemic flipped everything upside down. With social lives put on hold and students stuck at home dealing with already high stress levels, mental health challenges skyrocketed. About 52% of students reported elevated rates of stress, while more than 68% of them struggled with overwhelming anxiety, mainly because of the uncertainty of it all. However, the isolation didn't just make the students more anxious. So many stressful events led to a sharp rise in depression, too. 44% of students reported increased depressive symptoms during the pandemic.

Sleep, which is already a problem for many students, took another hit. Sleep disturbances and insomnia became a problem for more than 30% of college students, which made it even harder for them to focus on schoolwork. The psychological distress became so overwhelming for some that more students reported suicidal ideation. These numbers make one thing painfully clear: COVID-19 was a mental health crisis as much as it was a public health crisis. The effects still linger a couple of years after the pandemic has ended, and the struggle to find stability continues for many.

COVID-19 on college student mental health

College Student Stress Coping Strategies and Resources

Stress won't magically disappear once you get a good night's sleep or finish your assignments. Stress management is as much a daily task as attending your classes - you need to regularly take care of yourself to take some pressure off of your shoulders. Shortly put, stress doesn't have to run the show; all you need is a few right coping mechanisms that will actually help you:

  1. Move your body. This doesn't necessarily mean training for a marathon. Just get up and move; even a quick walk or dancing in your room can shake off the stress.
  2. Get some actual sleep. Running on coffee and energy drinks will do you more harm than good unless you rest. Sleep fuels your brain, so skipping it just makes your mental health symptoms worse.
  3. Breathe Deep. This really can work wonders. Try the 4-7-8 trick: inhale for four seconds, hold for seven, exhale for eight. Feels weird at first, but once you learn to trust the process, your anxiety moves to the back seat.
  4. Talk to your people. Mental health issues become way worse when you have to deal with them alone. You're not in this by yourself; text a friend, give your family a call, or just go out and socialize.
  5. Protect your boundaries. You don't have to say yes to anything; you'll just end up burnt out. Remember, your time and energy are limited, so learn to say no and don't waste them on things that drain you.
  6. Use your campus resources. See if your campus provides any mental health resources. Free therapy, support groups, even mental health hotlines - all of these exist for a reason, so don't be afraid to use them.

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Surviving College One Step At A Time

Overwhelming anxiety stopped being an occasional headache for students and has turned into a part of the lifestyle. Between having to balance the relentless deadlines, financial worries, and anxieties about the future, students are carrying more weight than ever.

  • Stress is on the rise. More and more students report feeling overwhelmed by the pressures that come with college life.
  • Mental health challenges are a top concern. Anxiety, depression, and academic burnout are becoming more common and make it harder for students to perform well.
  • Balancing finances and academics is a struggle. When we add financial concerns into the equation, pressure becomes much harder to manage.

With so much to handle, it becomes ever so important to find ways to lighten the load. If you find it hard to handle multitasking, DoMyEssay can provide professional academic support to help you stay on top of your deadlines without burning yourself out.

What Causes Stress in College Students?

What Are the Statistics on Student Stress?

How Does Stress Affect College Students?

What was changed:
  1. Griffiths, S. (2024, October 26). The universities where parents pay most — up to £30k.; The Sunday Times.
  2. ‌Wong, V. (2024, August 21). 5 tips to help college students manage their money without racking up credit-card debt. MarketWatch.
  3. Guevara, E. (2024). Most Americans Say College Education Isn’t Worth Heavy Burden of Student Loan Debt. Investopedia.
  4. ‌Guevara, E. (2025). Most Student Loan Borrowers Are Overwhelmed As Repayment Plans Keep Changing. Investopedia.
  5. Liu, Z., Xie, Y., Sun, Z., Liu, D., Yin, H., & Shi, L. (2023). Factors associated with academic burnout and its prevalence among university students: a cross-sectional study. BMC Medical Education, 23(1).
  6. ‌Liu, X., Zhu, C., Dong, Z., & Luo, Y. (2024). The Relationship between Stress and Academic Self-Efficacy among Students at Elite Colleges: A Longitudinal Analysis. Behavioral Sciences, 14(7), 537–537.
  7. ‌National Center for Education Statistics. (2022, May). COE - College Student Employment.
  8. Hershner, S., & Chervin, R. (2014). Causes and consequences of sleepiness among college students. Nature and Science of Sleep, 6(6), 73–84.
  9. Zarowski, B., Giokaris, D., & Green, O. (2024). Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on University Students’ Mental Health: A Literature Review. Cureus, 16(2).
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