Phone interviews are becoming increasingly popular in the practice of hiring people for a particular job. It can be the initial stage of the candidate selection and even replace the traditional meeting with an employer. A phone screen optimizes the hiring process as it saves time and effort.
Companies now often go online as there are many technical opportunities for this. This kind of conversation is usually more difficult than a live contact. What job seekers wonder is how to do a phone interview or an online screening?
A call is usually the first contact with a prospective employer. Telephone interview helps evaluate candidates without direct meeting. An interviewee needs to make a good impression both in spoken and written forms. In such cases, worthy advice is what really matters. Candidates can sort out things with papers using service, and our experts will share some helpful tips that can simplify preparing for a phone interview.
What to Expect in a Phone Interview
The conversation can be short — just some questions-answers to clarify and a brief vacancy description, then an invitation to a full-fledged meeting. Usually, the online dialogue lasts less than thirty minutes.
What Is a Phone Screen?
The HR specialists typically call remote interviews “phone screens” as they are sorting out job applicants. Those who leave a good impression will be selected for the next series of interviews. Candidates who fail this phone screen interview lose their chance.
What You Should Know Before Phone Screens
To be ready for a remote interview, applicants read the company news, review the vacancy, and prepare questions.
Below are telephone interview tips to explore before the conversation begins!
- Anticipate standard interview questions.
- Recall general conversations about your private life.
- Expect one questioner – not a team.
- Be ready for changeable question styles.
- Give attention to the HR manager.
- Prevent attempts to exclude you from the applicant list.
- Determine a potential wage expectation.
- Be calm if there are no mentions of “next interview”.
- React to the pause and listen mode timely.
Candidates rarely receive a live interview offer at the close of phone screening.
Often, a prospective employer may schedule a Skype meeting. It is the opportunity to turn on a video function and see the candidate online. In this case, try to behave naturally, as in face-to-face meetings. Be confident; avoid fillers and long pauses. Never interrupt the other person.
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Phone Interview Tips
These are the main tips from our service to keep in mind when prepare for a phone interview.
To get a new job, you probably will have to reply to several questions on Skype or using the phone. The initial impression is crucial. If a process is stuck at this stage, forget about this position. Therefore, phone interview advice will lead you in your future telephone interview.
If you wonder how to ace a phone interview, read on. To get started, see the carefully selected tips for phone interviews:
Choose a Quiet Place
Be at home during the telephone or Skype interviews. Do not even think about a coffee shop - you won’t be able to control the environment. The background noise can ruin everything for you. The place should guarantee high quality of communication and the Internet. If you know which part of your home has the weaker Wi-Fi signal, don't sit there for the online chat.
Look Neat
Obviously, in a video chat, avoid pyjamas and uncombed hair. Messy appearance is among bad phone interview signs. No matter what type of screening it is, get smartly dressed. This will create the right professional mood. If the interview is via Zoom, your suit must match the would-be position, which often means a shirt, a tie, and a jacket.
Be on Time
Usually, job seekers arrive at the office 15 minutes early. As for a virtual meeting, the rules are slightly different. You arrange prep for phone interview: be near your desk and ready for a conversation. Check the connection, Internet, camera, and other devices. After you tune in, look over your CV and documents again. Also, clarify who should call first before the meeting.
Speak Eloquently and Clearly
In a discourse via Skype, it is vital. New graduates who wonder how to get a job after college should know that having skills in remote communication is a big advantage. Speak a bit louder and slower than usual. With a video messenger, interference is unavoidable. Even in the case of a perfect connection, this leads to repeated requests: “Repeat, please”. Try to minimize such awkward moments.
Focus on Nonverbal Aspects
Much of the conversation takes place through body language – facial expressions, gestures, even minimal changes in posture. Therefore, pay attention to the intonation and minor changes in a person’s speech to understand whether you should give a detailed answer or just confirm something. Focus on active listening: insert small remarks to show that you're involved. Also, learn how to end phone interview politely.
Be Ready to Make Small Talk
In remote conversations, you often communicate with an HR specialist, not often your potential supervisor. The phone interview with hiring manager lets company representatives understand who you really are. Hence, the dialogue often begins with a simple chat to test how you are coping with a new person. So, keep in mind a few general topics that you're willing to be friendly about.
Sit Straight
A straight posture not only promotes a professional attitude but also allows your voice to sound better and more confident. If you are slouching or lying down, your body will contract, and this will definitely affect your voice.
When you communicate via phone, you may believe that your voice sounds friendly, but you may be wrong. If you take a phone interview vs. in person, you will recognize that the former is more formal. When we don't see a speaker, it is much more difficult for us to smile. Your voice may sound cold and even grumpy. To change the tone to a warmer one, suggests smiling. This makes your voice much more pleasant.
Follow up After Phone Interview
Bear in mind that your objective is to initiate a real-life interview. As soon as the conversation ends, thank the interrogator and ask if meeting face-to-face is possible.
You’ve learned how to handle a phone interview, so find out how to show gratitude to the employer:
- Ask for the HR manager's email address.
- Send the specialist a thank-you email instantly, being grateful and restating your interest in the vacancy.
- Make a followup phone call.
Once the video screening is over, do not forget to review the notes you took throughout the meeting. This may help you get ready for the next live interview.
After the phone interview what happens next? As a rule, the recruiter needs to assess all of his or her video or telephone chats and make a shortlist of chosen job applicants for actual meetings.
The mentioned tips by our experts on how to nail a phone interview will guide you effectively through the next trial. Get ready for a standard professional interview in the office: you will answer the same questions. Remember that if you feel confident enough, you will look natural and will be able to make the screening successful.
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